Linnaea Livin

Linnaea Livin

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fleshy Fungal MagicalponyLand

Land trust means ideal because there is protected forest everywhere with rad fungus and magicians disguised as cedars...I wish I had documented the end of the hike, which ended in a messy downhill bushwacking creek dive

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lamb Shanks

just kidding. I will never be able to eat lamb again I'm afraid. I'm trying not to be a big suck while I'm out here learning the ropes of the reeeal animal husbandry world, but luscious lambletts are beyond my threshold. they headbutt, they hop sometimes, its so cuddly its almost mean. When I watch them I just end up squeaking and snorting and tagging along trying to stay in one place and fantasizing about how in five minutes they will come curl up on me, cut off a tail tuft and hand it to me as a tolken of deep friendship. I think I've come within 6 feet so far, ain't half quick nuff. See for yourself...

follow the link! seriously... baby sheep suckling action